Publicaciones indexadas

WoS, Scopus, SciELO

1. Felix Fuders, “Vier Jahre Protokoll von Olivos: Wie es das Streitschlichtungssystem des MERCOSUR verändert hat”, en: GIGA – German Institute of Global and Area Studies (ed.), Lateinamerika-Analysen (Journal of Politics in Latin America) No 20, 2008, p. 205 – 233, ISSN 1619-1684 / 1866-802X. Ver extracto en RG.

Indexado en: Scopus; Clarivate Analytics: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI); Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ); EBSCO; Google Scholar; Hispanic American Periodicals Index; International Political Science Abstracts (IPSA); ProQuest; World Affairs Online.


2. Felix Fuders, “Alternative concepts for a world financial system – an answer to the present world financial crisis”, en: Revista de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile, No 166, año XLII 2010, p. 45 – 56, ISSN 0716-0240. Doi: 5354/0719-3769.2011.12642. Accesible en RG.

Indexado en: SciELO Chile; Dialnet; DOAJ; Latindex; Periodicals; Gale WorldCat (OCLC). Se encuentra en bibliotecas: Cepal, ALADI, Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional de Chile.


3. Felix Fuders, Manfred Max-Neef, “Local Money as Solution to Capitalist Global Financial Crises”, en: Michael Pirson et al. (eds.), From Capitalistic to Humanistic Business, Palgrave-Macmillan, Londres 2014, ISBN 978-1-137-46818-5, p. 157 – 189. Doi: Accesible en RG.

 Indexado en: Web of Science (WoS); listado en OCLC Wordcat.


4. Felix Fuders, “Smarter Money for Smarter Cities: How Regional Currencies Can Help to Promote a Decentralised and Sustainable Regional Development”, en: Dick et al. (eds.), Decentralisation and Regional Development – Experiences and Lessons from Four Continents over Three Decades, Springer Nature, Cham (Suiza) 2016, ISBN 978-3-319-29365-3, p. 155-185. Doi: Ver extracto en RG.

Indexado en: Web of Science (WoS); Scopus. Listado en OCLC Wordcat. Comprable en y Springer Link.


5. Milan Stehlík, Ch. Helperstorfer, P. Hermann, J. Šupina, L.M. Grilo, J.P. Maidana, F. Fuders, S. Stehlíková, “Financial and risk modelling with semicontinuous covariances”, en: Information Sciences, Vol. 394–395, 2017, pp. 246–272. ISSN 0020-0255. Doi: Ver reprint en RG.

Indexado en: Web of Science (WoS) (Q1 – impact factor 6,8); Scopus, Current Contents; Energy Science and Technology; GEOBASE; INSPEC; PASCAL/INIST-CNRS; SCISEARCH; Social Scisearch; UnCover; Zentralblatt MATH; Ei Compendex; Inside Conferences; Information Science & Technology Abstracts; Arts & Humanities Search.


6. Milan Stehlík, Jozef Kiselák, Gerhard Holzknecht, Felix Fuders, “On Flexible Modeling of Generalized Interest Rate”, en: AIP Conference Proceedings (American Institute of Physics), Vol. 1895, 03004 (2017), pp. 1-6. ISSN 0094243X / 1551-7616. Doi: Ver extracto en RG.

Indexado en: Web of Science (WoS), Scopus (Elsevier), Inspec; Chemical; Abstracts Service (CAS); Astrophysics Data System (ADS).


7. Felix Fuders, Vanessa Nowak, “The Economics of Love: How a meaningful and mindful life can promote allocative efficiency and happiness”, en: C. Steinebach und Á. Langer (eds.), Enhancing Resilience in Youth – Mindfulness-Interventions in Positive Environments, Springer Nature, Cham 2019, ISBN 978-3-030-25512-1, pp. 259 – 277. Doi: Ver extracto en RG.

Indexado en Scopus; listado en OCLC Wordcat. Comprable en y Springer Link.


8. Vanessa Nowak, Felix Fuders, “Education as the Key to Facing Today’s Challenges: How We Can Generate a More Resilient Environment and Promote a Paradigm Shift in Economics”, en: Steinebach und Á. Langer (eds.), Enhancing Resilience in Youth – Mindfulness-Interventions in Positive Environments, Springer Nature, Cham 2019, ISBN 978-3-030-25512-1, pp. 189 – 217. Doi: Ver extracto en RG.

Indexado en Scopus; listado en OCLC Wordcat. Comprable en y Springer Link.


9. Felix Fuders, Pablo Donoso, “Preface”, en: Felix Fuders, Pablo Donoso (Eds.) Ecological Economic and Socio Ecological Strategies for Forest Conservation – A Transdisciplinary Approach Focused on Chile and Brazil, Springer Nature, Cham 2020, ISBN 978-3-030-35378-0, pp. vii-viii. Accesible en RG.

Indexado en Scopus; listado en OCLC Wordcat. Comprable en y Springer Link.


10. Alfredo Erlwein, Iván Oliva, Felix Fuders & Pablo Donoso, “Towards a transdisciplinary ecological economics: a cognitive approach”, en: Felix Fuders, Pablo Donoso (Eds.) Ecological Economic and Socio Ecological Strategies for Forest Conservation – A Transdisciplinary Approach Focused on Chile and Brazil, Springer Nature, Cham 2020, ISBN 978-3-030-35378-0, pp. 3-17. Doi: Ver extracto en RG.

Indexado en Scopus; listado en OCLC Wordcat. Comprable en y Springer Link.


11. Felix Fuders, “The ‘Tragedy of the Commons’ and the role of the money interest rate”, en: Felix Fuders, Pablo Donoso (Eds.) Ecological Economic and Socio Ecological Strategies for Forest Conservation – A Transdisciplinary Approach Focused on Chile and Brazil, Springer Nature, Cham 2020, ISBN 978-3-030-35378-0, pp. 19-42. Doi: Ver extracto en RG.

Indexado en Scopus; listado en OCLC Wordcat. Comprable en y Springer Link.


12. Felix Fuders, Roberto Pastén, “Allocative efficiency and property rights in ecological economics: why we need to distinguish between man-made capital and natural resources”, en: Felix Fuders, Pablo Donoso (Eds.) Ecological Economic and Socio Ecological Strategies for Forest Conservation – A Transdisciplinary Approach Focused on Chile and Brazil, Springer Nature, Cham 2020, ISBN 978-3-030-35378-0, pp. 43-56. Doi: Ver extracto en RG.

Indexado en Scopus; listado en OCLC Wordcat. Comprable en y Springer Link.


13. Roberto Pastén, Nicolas Nazal & Felix Fuders, “Subsidizing green deserts in southern Chile – between fast growth and sustainability of Forest Management”, en: Felix Fuders, Pablo Donoso (Eds.) Ecological Economic and Socio Ecological Strategies for Forest Conservation – A Transdisciplinary Approach Focused on Chile and Brazil, Springer Nature, Cham 2020, ISBN 978-3-030-35378-0, pp. 59-78. Doi: Ver extracto en RG.

Indexado en Scopus; listado en OCLC Wordcat. Comprable en y Springer Link.


14. Manuel von der Mühlen, José Aylwin, Teodoro Kausel & Felix Fuders, “Land tenure insecurity and forest conservation in Chile: the case of the Mapuche Huilliche indigenous communities in the coastal range rainforests of Mapu Lahual”, en: Felix Fuders, Pablo Donoso (Eds.) Ecological Economic and Socio Ecological Strategies for Forest Conservation – A Transdisciplinary Approach Focused on Chile and Brazil, Springer Nature, Cham 2020, ISBN 978-3-030-35378-0, pp. 127 – 157. Doi: Ver extracto en RG.

Indexado en Scopus; listado en OCLC Wordcat. Comprable en y Springer Link.


15. Pablo Donoso, Felix Fuders, “Conclusions”, en: Felix Fuders, Pablo Donoso (Eds.) Ecological Economic and Socio Ecological Strategies for Forest Conservation – A Transdisciplinary Approach Focused on Chile and Brazil, Springer Nature, Cham 2020, ISBN 978-3-030-35378-0, pp. 259 – 262. Accesible en RG.

Indexado en Scopus; listado en OCLC Wordcat. Comprable en y Springer Link.


16. Sergio Soza-Amigo, Felix Fuders y Patricio Aroca, “La importancia del sector minero para el desarrollo de la economía chilena: la evolución de sus campos de influencia”, en: TRIMESTRE ECONÓMICO, Vol. LXXXVIII (3), No 351, 2021, pp. 831-872. ISSN 0041-3011. Doi: Accesible en RG.

Indexado en: Web of Science (WoS) (impact factor 0,48), Scopus; SciELO; Social Science Citation Index; Thomson; Redalyc; RePEc-Ideas; Journal Citation Reports (JCR); Journal of Economic Literature y EconLit; Public Affairs Information Service (PAIS); Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory; Citas Latinoamericanas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (Clase); Research Alert (Filadelfia); Hispanic American Periodicals Index (HAPI); International Labor Documentation (Labordoc); World Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology Abstracts (WAERSA); International Bibliography of the Social Science (IBSS); International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature (IBR); Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies (RussianAcadSci); Leisure, Recreation and Tourism Abstracts; EuroPub Publishing Company; Índice de Revistas Mexicanas de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica del Conacyt.


17. Ledys Llasmin Salazar Gómez, Soledad Torres, Jozef Kiselak, Felix Fuders, Naoyuki Ishimura, Yasukazu Yoshizawa, Milan Stehlík, “Long memory estimation in a non-Gaussian bivariate process”, en: Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 420, 2022, 12687. ISSN 0096-3003. Doi: Ver extracto en RG.

Indexado en: Web of Science (WoS) (Q1 – impact factor 4,09), Scopus; Applied Mechanics Reviews; BIOSIS Citation Index; Cambridge Scientific Abstracts; Computing Reviews; Current Contents; Current Contents – Engineering, Computing & Technology; INSPEC; Mathematical Reviews; Science Citation Index; Zentralblatt MATH.


18. Milan Stehlík, Danilo Leal, Jozef Kiseľák, Joshua Leers, Luboš Střelec & Felix Fuders, “Stochastic approach to heterogeneity in short-time announcement effects on the Chilean stock market indexes within 2016-2019“, en: Stochastic Analysis and Applications, Vol. 21, No 1 2023. ISSN: 0736-2994. Doi: Ver extracto en RG.

Indexado en: Web of Science (WoS) (Q2 – impact factor 1,34), Scopus, American Mathematical Society; MathSciNet; American Statistical Association; Current Index to Statistics (Online); EBSCOhost (various); Elsevier BV; Compendex; Scopus; Genamics JournalSeek; National Library of Medicine; PubMed; OCLC; ArticleFirst; Electronic Collections Online; ProQuest (various); Springer; Zentralblatt MATH (Online); Statistical Theory and Method Abstracts (CD-ROM); Clarivate Analytics; Science Citation Index Expanded; zbMATH.


19. Felix Fuders, “Private Property”, en: Brent M. Haddad & Barry D. Solomon (eds.), Dictionary of Ecological Economics – Terms for the New Millennium, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham 2023, ISBN: 978 1788974905, p. 429.

Indexado en Scopus; Listado en OCLC Wordcat. Comprable en


20. Felix Fuders, “Manufactured Capital”, en: Brent M. Haddad & Barry D. Solomon (eds.), Dictionary of Ecological Economics – Terms for the New Millennium, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham 2023, ISBN: 978 1788974905, p. 336 f.

Indexado en Scopus; Listado en OCLC Wordcat. Comprable en


21. Felix Fuders, “The Human Scale Development Approach: Is ‘Spirituality’ a Fundamental Human Need?”, en: Luis Valenzuela & María Barrera (eds.), Beyond Ecological Economics and Development: Critical Reflections on the Thought of Manfred Max-Neef, Routledge, Abingdon 2024, ISBN 978-100093436-6, p. 70-85. Doi: Ver extracto en RG.

Indexado en Web of Science (WoS); Scopus; Listado en OCLC Wordcat. Comprable en


22. Zachary R. Kuenstler, Brennan C. Merley, Milan Stehlik, Jerzy Filus, Lidia Filus, Claudia Navarro-Villarroel, Jean Paul Maidana & Felix Fuders, “On Some Consequences of COVID-19 in EUR/USD Exchange Rates and Economy”, en: Kitsos, C.P., Oliveira, T.A., Pierri, F., Restaino, M. (eds.) Statistical Modelling and Risk Analysis – ICRA 2023. Springer Nature, Cham 2023. ISBN 978-3-031-39863-6, p. 119 – Doi: Ver extracto en RG.

Indexado en Scopus; Listado en OCLC Wordcat. Comprable en y Springer Link.


23. Danilo Leal, Lubos Strelec, Felix Fuders, & Milan Stehlík, “On testing the changes in trends of stock market index and rates”, Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation, Vol. 53, No. 7 2024, p. 1-28. ISSN 0361-0918. Doi:

Indexado en Web of Science (WoS) (Q2 – impact factor 0,9), Scopus, American Mathematical Society, MathSciNet, American Statistical Association, Current Index to Statistics (Online), CABI (various), EBSCOhost (various), Elsevier BV, Compendex, Genamics JournalSeek, International Atomic Energy Agency, INIS Collection Search (International Nuclear Information System), National Library of Medicine, PubMed, OCLC, ArticleFirst, Electronic Collections Online, Personal Alert (Email), ProQuest (various), Springer, Zentralblatt MATH (Online), Statistical Theory and Method Abstracts (CD-ROM), The Engineering Index Monthly (DVD), Clarivate Analytics, Science Citation Index Expanded.


24. Felix Fuders, Nathan Namatama, “Small is beautiful – the market structure best suited to produce development at “human scale”: empirical evidence, published in Research in Statistics, Vol. 2 No. 1 2024, p. 1-15. Online ISSN: 2768-4520. Doi:

Indexado en: Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, WorldCat Local (OCLC), Google Scholar, Sherpa, Romeo, OpenAIRE, Portico, DTU Findit, E-lib Bremen.


Otros índices

1. Felix Fuders, “Keine Mitwirkung an behördlichen Genehmigungen bei eigenen wirtschaftlichen Interessen”, en: EuZW (Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht), Vol. 19/2008, p. 605 – 611, ISSN 0937-7204. Accesible en RG.

Indexado en: Econbiz, dejure, dialnet, OCLC Worldcat y citado en página web de la Unión Europea.


2. Felix Fuders, “La protección del medio ambiente como justificación de una restricción del libre comercio: ¿Qué puede aprender Europa del MERCOSUR?”, en: REIB (Revista Electrónica Iberoamericana) Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid), Vol. 4, No 2 (2010), p. 8 – 28, ISSN: 1988 – 0618. Accesible en RG.

Indexado en: ISOC, FETYC, LATINDEX, DICE, Dialnet, OCLC Worldcat.


3. Felix Fuders, “Zum so genannten freien Wettbewerb und dem vermeintlichen Verbot vertikaler Kartelle im EU-Wettbewerbsrecht”, en: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik (De Gruyter), año 60, No 3/2011, p. 271 – 284, ISSN 0721-3808 (en español: Consideraciones acerca de la libre competencia y a la prohibición de carteles verticales en la UE). Doi: Accesible en RG.

Indexado en: Baidu Scholar; Cabell’s Whitelist; CNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastructure); CNPIEC – cnpLINKer; Dimensions; EBSCO (relevant databases); EBSCO Discovery Service; EconBiz; ECONIS; EconLit; Google Scholar; IBR (International Bibliography of Reviews of Scholarly Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences); IBZ (International Bibliography of Periodical Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences); International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (ProQuest); J-Gate; JournalGuide; JournalTOCs; KESLI-NDSL (Korean National Discovery for Science Leaders); Microsoft Academic; MyScienceWork; Naver Academic; Naviga (Softweco); Primo Central (ExLibris); ProQuest (relevant databases); Publons; QOAM (Quality Open Access Market); ReadCube; Research Papers in Economics (RePEc); Semantic Scholar; Sherpa/RoMEO; Summon (ProQuest); TDNet; Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory/ulrichsweb, WanFang Data, WorldCat (OCLC).


4. Felix Fuders, “La solución de controversias en el Mercosur: una evaluación del sistema y de la jurisprudencia”, en: PRIMA FACIE (João Pessoa – Brasil), Vol. 11, No 21, año 11, Julio-Diciembre 2012, p. 75 – 108, ISSN 1678-2593. Link. Accesible en RG.

Indexado en: DOAJ, LATINDEX, CALENDA, OCLC Worldcat, Repositorio Científico de Acceso Abierto de Portugal, en la Wittenberg University Library (Springfield, Ohio, EE.UU.), Qualis (áreas de Derecho y Planificación Urbana) como periódico B2, H-Net Humanities and Social Sciences Online, (Michigan State University, EE.UU.).


5. Felix Fuders, Cristián Mondaca, Mustapha Azungah Haruna, “The Central Bank’s dilemma, the Inflation-Deflation Paradox and a new interpretation of the Kondratieff waves”, en: Economía (U. de los Andes, Venezuela), Vol. XXXVIII, No 36 (Julio-Diciembre 2013), p. 33 – 66, ISSN 1315-2467. Libremente accesible en RG.

Indexado en: REVENCYT (FUNDACITE) con el código RVE001, LATINDEX (radica en el folio 17250), REDALYC, Gale Group, Océano Universitas (OCéANO DIGITAL), ECONLit (Economic Literature, de la American Economic Association), RePEC-IDEAS (Research Papers in Economics y su servidor huésped actualmente basado en IDEAS, College of Liberal Arts en la Universidad de Connecticut), ECON PAPERS (Örebro University), EBSCOhost (de EBSCOHOST Publishing) y CLASE (Base de Datos Bibliográficos de Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades); Econbiz.


6. Carlos Cioce Sampaio, Christian Henríquez, Felix Fuders, “Ecosocioeconomías: Un concepto en construcción”, en: Educação e Contemporaneidade, Vol. 27, No 52, 2018, pp. 13-25, ISSN 0104-7043. Doi: Accesible en RG.

Indexado en: BAMP; Educ@ – Publicações Online de Educação; BBE – Bibliografia Brasileira de Educação (Brasil,Cibec/Inep/MEC); BIBLAT; Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira; EDUBASE -(SBU/UNICAMP); CLASE; INIST – Institut de l’Information Scientifique et Technique, France.; DIADORIM; LATINDEX; REDIB; ULRICH’S; DOAJ; IRESIE; EZB – Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliotkek; Portal de Periodicos CAPES; Portal Brasileiro de Acesso Aberto à Informação Científica (oasisbr); Diretório Luso-Brasileiro. Repositórios e Revistas de Acesso aberto; Diadorim


7. Ángela Morales, Christian Henríquez, Cristian Salazar, Felix Fuders, Héctor Sarmiento, “Nostalgias a la orilla de un río. Homenaje al maestro Manfred Max-Neef”, en: Teuken Bidikay 10 No 15 (2019), pp. 19-26, ISSN: 2215-8405 – e – ISSN 2619-1822. Accesible en RG.

Indexado en: Latindex; Dialnet; LatinREV; EBSCO; REDIB; Clase; MIAR; DOAJ; Google académico; ACACIA; REDITORES.