Publicaciones indexadas

WoS, Scopus, SciELO

1. Felix Fuders, “Vier Jahre Protokoll von Olivos: Wie es das Streitschlichtungssystem des MERCOSUR verändert hat”, en: GIGA – German Institute of Global and Area Studies (ed.), Lateinamerika-Analysen (Journal of Politics in Latin America) No 20, 2008, p. 205 – 233, ISSN 1619-1684 / 1866-802X.

Indexado en: Scopus; Clarivate Analytics: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI); Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ); EBSCO; Google Scholar; Hispanic American Periodicals Index; International Political Science Abstracts (IPSA); ProQuest; World Affairs Online.


2. Felix Fuders, “Alternative concepts for a world financial system – an answer to the present world financial crisis”, en: Revista de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile, No 166, año XLII 2010, p. 45 – 56, ISSN 0716-0240. Doi: 5354/0719-3769.2011.12642. Accesible en RG.

Indexado en: SciELO Chile; Dialnet; DOAJ; Latindex; Periodicals; Gale WorldCat (OCLC). Se encuentra en bibliotecas: Cepal, ALADI, Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional de Chile.


3. Felix Fuders, Manfred Max-Neef, “Local Money as Solution to Capitalist Global Financial Crises”, en: Michael Pirson et al. (eds.), From Capitalistic to Humanistic Business, Palgrave-Macmillan, Londres 2014, ISBN 978-1-137-46818-5, p. 157 – 189. Doi:

Indexado en: Web of Science (WoS); listado en OCLC Wordcat.


4. Felix Fuders, “Smarter Money for Smarter Cities: How Regional Currencies Can Help to Promote a Decentralised and Sustainable Regional Development”, en: Dick et al. (eds.), Decentralisation and Regional Development – Experiences and Lessons from Four Continents over Three Decades, Springer, Cham (Suiza) 2016, ISBN 978-3-319-29365-3, p. 155-185. Doi:

Indexado en: Web of Science (WoS); Scopus. Listado en OCLC Wordcat. Comprable en y Springer Link.


5. Milan Stehlík, Ch. Helperstorfer, P. Hermann, J. Šupina, L.M. Grilo, J.P. Maidana, F. Fuders, S. Stehlíková, “Financial and risk modelling with semicontinuous covariances”, en: Information Sciences, Vol. 394–395, 2017, pp. 246–272. ISSN 0020-0255. Doi:

Indexado en: Web of Science (WoS) (impact factor 6,8); Scopus, Current Contents; Energy Science and Technology; GEOBASE; INSPEC; PASCAL/INIST-CNRS; SCISEARCH; Social Scisearch; UnCover; Zentralblatt MATH; Ei Compendex; Inside Conferences; Information Science & Technology Abstracts; Arts & Humanities Search.


6. Milan Stehlík, Jozef Kiselák, Gerhard Holzknecht, Felix Fuders, “On Flexible Modeling of Generalized Interest Rate”, en: AIP Conference Proceedings (American Institute of Physics), Vol. 1895, 03004 (2017), pp. 1-6. ISSN 0094243X / 1551-7616. Doi:

Indexado en: Web of Science (WoS), Scopus (Elsevier), Inspec; Chemical; Abstracts Service (CAS); Astrophysics Data System (ADS).


7. Felix Fuders, Vanessa Nowak, “The Economics of Love: How a meaningful and mindful life can promote allocative efficiency and happiness”, en: C. Steinebach und Á. Langer (eds.), Enhancing Resilience in Youth – Mindfulness-Interventions in Positive Environments, Springer, Cham 2019, ISBN 978-3-030-25512-1, pp. 259 – 277. Doi: Ver extracto en RG.

Indexado en Scopus; listado en OCLC Wordcat. Comprable en y Springer Link.


8. Vanessa Nowak, Felix Fuders, “Education as the Key to Facing Today’s Challenges: How We Can Generate a More Resilient Environment and Promote a Paradigm Shift in Economics”, en: Steinebach und Langer (eds.), Enhancing Resilience in Youth – Mindfulness-Interventions in Positive Environments, Springer, Cham 2019, ISBN 978-3-030-25512-1, pp. 189 – 217. Doi: Ver extracto en RG.

Indexado en Scopus; listado en OCLC Wordcat. Comprable en y Springer Link.


9. Felix Fuders, Pablo Donoso, “Preface”, en: Felix Fuders, Pablo Donoso (Eds.) Ecological Economic and Socio Ecological Strategies for Forest Conservation – A Transdisciplinary Approach Focused on Chile and Brazil, Springer, Cham 2020, ISBN 978-3-030-35378-0, pp. vii-viii.

Indexado en Scopus; listado en OCLC Wordcat. Comprable en y Springer Link.


10. Alfredo Erlwein, Iván Oliva, Felix Fuders and Pablo Donoso, “Towards a transdisciplinary ecological economics: a cognitive approach”, en: Felix Fuders, Pablo Donoso (Eds.) Ecological Economic and Socio Ecological Strategies for Forest Conservation – A Transdisciplinary Approach Focused on Chile and Brazil, Springer, Cham 2020, ISBN 978-3-030-35378-0, pp. 3-17. Doi: Ver extracto en RG.

Indexado en Scopus; listado en OCLC Wordcat. Comprable en y Springer Link.


11. Felix Fuders, “The ‘Tragedy of the Commons’ and the role of the money interest rate”, en: Felix Fuders, Pablo Donoso (Eds.) Ecological Economic and Socio Ecological Strategies for Forest Conservation – A Transdisciplinary Approach Focused on Chile and Brazil, Springer, Cham 2020, ISBN 978-3-030-35378-0, pp. 19-42. Doi: Ver extracto en RG.

Indexado en Scopus; listado en OCLC Wordcat. Comprable en y Springer Link.


12. Felix Fuders, Roberto Pastén, “Allocative efficiency and property rights in ecological economics: why we need to distinguish between man-made capital and natural resources”, en: Felix Fuders, Pablo Donoso (Eds.) Ecological Economic and Socio Ecological Strategies for Forest Conservation – A Transdisciplinary Approach Focused on Chile and Brazil, Springer, Cham 2020, ISBN 978-3-030-35378-0, pp. 43-56. Doi: Ver extracto en RG.

Indexado en Scopus; listado en OCLC Wordcat. Comprable en y Springer Link.


13. Roberto Pastén, Nicolas Nazal, Felix Fuders, “Subsidizing green deserts in southern Chile – between fast growth and sustainability of Forest Management”, en: Felix Fuders, Pablo Donoso (Eds.) Ecological Economic and Socio Ecological Strategies for Forest Conservation – A Transdisciplinary Approach Focused on Chile and Brazil, Springer, Cham 2020, ISBN 978-3-030-35378-0, pp. 59-78. Doi: Ver extracto en RG.

Indexado en Scopus; listado en OCLC Wordcat. Comprable en y Springer Link.


14. Manuel von der Mühlen, José Aylwin, Teodoro Kausel and Felix Fuders, “Land tenure insecurity and forest conservation in Chile: the case of the Mapuche Huilliche indigenous communities in the coastal range rainforests of Mapu Lahual”, en: Felix Fuders, Pablo Donoso (Eds.) Ecological Economic and Socio Ecological Strategies for Forest Conservation – A Transdisciplinary Approach Focused on Chile and Brazil, Springer, Cham 2020, ISBN 978-3-030-35378-0, pp. 127 – 157. Doi: Ver extracto en RG.

Indexado en Scopus; listado en OCLC Wordcat. Comprable en y Springer Link.


15. Pablo Donoso, Felix Fuders, “Conclusions”, en: Felix Fuders, Pablo Donoso (Eds.) Ecological Economic and Socio Ecological Strategies for Forest Conservation – A Transdisciplinary Approach Focused on Chile and Brazil, Springer, Cham 2020, ISBN 978-3-030-35378-0, pp. 259 – 262. Accesible en RG.

Indexado en Scopus; listado en OCLC Wordcat. Comprable en y Springer Link.


16. Sergio Soza-Amigo, Felix Fuders y Patricio Aroca, “La importancia del sector minero para el desarrollo de la economía chilena: la evolución de sus campos de influencia”, en: TRIMESTRE ECONÓMICO, Vol. LXXXVIII (3), No 351, 2021, pp. 831-872. ISSN 0041-3011. Doi: Accesible en RG.

Indexado en: Web of Science (WoS) (impact factor 0,48), Scopus; SciELO; Social Science Citation Index; Thomson; Redalyc; RePEc-Ideas; Journal Citation Reports (JCR); Journal of Economic Literature y EconLit; Public Affairs Information Service (PAIS); Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory; Citas Latinoamericanas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (Clase); Research Alert (Filadelfia); Hispanic American Periodicals Index (HAPI); International Labor Documentation (Labordoc); World Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology Abstracts (WAERSA); International Bibliography of the Social Science (IBSS); International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature (IBR); Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies (RussianAcadSci); Leisure, Recreation and Tourism Abstracts; EuroPub Publishing Company; Índice de Revistas Mexicanas de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica del Conacyt.


17. Ledys Llasmin Salazar Gómez, Soledad Torres, Jozef Kiselak, Felix Fuders, Naoyuki Ishimura, Yasukazu Yoshizawa, Milan Stehlík, “Long memory estimation in a non-Gaussian bivariate process”, en: Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 420, 2022, 12687. ISSN 0096-3003. Doi: Accesible en RG.

Indexado en: Web of Science (WoS) (impact factor 4,09), Scopus; Applied Mechanics Reviews; BIOSIS Citation Index; Cambridge Scientific Abstracts; Computing Reviews; Current Contents; Current Contents – Engineering, Computing & Technology; INSPEC; Mathematical Reviews; Science Citation Index; Zentralblatt MATH.


18. Milan Stehlík, Danilo Leal, Jozef Kiseľák, Joshua Leers, Luboš Střelec & Felix Fuders, “Stochastic approach to heterogeneity in short-time announcement effects on the Chilean stock market indexes within 2016-2019“, en: Stochastic Analysis and Applications, Vol. 21, No 1 2023. ISSN: 0736-2994. Doi: Accesible en RG.

Indexado en: Web of Science (WoS) (impact factor 1,34) American Mathematical Society; MathSciNet; American Statistical Association; Current Index to Statistics (Online); EBSCOhost (various); Elsevier BV; Compendex; Scopus; Genamics JournalSeek; National Library of Medicine; PubMed; OCLC; ArticleFirst; Electronic Collections Online; ProQuest (various); Springer; Zentralblatt MATH (Online); Statistical Theory and Method Abstracts (CD-ROM); Clarivate Analytics; Science Citation Index Expanded; zbMATH.


19. Felix Fuders, “Private Property”, en: Brent M. Haddad & Barry D. Solomon (eds.), Dictionary of Ecological Economics – Terms for the New Millennium, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham 2023, ISBN: 978 1788974905, p. 429.

Indexado en Scopus; Listado en OCLC Wordcat. Comprable en


20. Felix Fuders, “Manufactured Capital”, en: Brent M. Haddad & Barry D. Solomon (eds.), Dictionary of Ecological Economics – Terms for the New Millennium, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham 2023, ISBN: 978 1788974905, p. 336 f.

Indexado en Scopus; Listado en OCLC Wordcat. Comprable en


21. Felix Fuders, “The Human Scale Development Approach: Is ‘Spirituality’ a Fundamental Human Need?”, en: Luis Valenzuela & María Barrera (eds.), Beyond Ecological Economics and Development: Critical Reflections on the Thought of Manfred Max-Neef, Routledge, Abingdon 2024, ISBN 978-100093436-6, p. 70-85. Doi:

Indexado en Scopus; Listado en OCLC Wordcat. Comprable en


22. Zachary R. Kuenstler, Brennan C. Merley, Milan Stehlik, Jerzy Filus, Lidia Filus, Claudia Navarro-Villarroel, Jean Paul Maidana & Felix Fuders, “On Some Consequences of COVID-19 in EUR/USD Exchange Rates and Economy”, en: Kitsos, C.P., Oliveira, T.A., Pierri, F., Restaino, M. (eds.) Statistical Modelling and Risk Analysis. ICRA 2023. Springer Nature, Cham. ISBN 978-3-031-39863-6, p. 119 – Doi:

Listado en OCLC Wordcat. Comprable en y Springer Link.

Otros índices

1. Felix Fuders, “Keine Mitwirkung an behördlichen Genehmigungen bei eigenen wirtschaftlichen Interessen”, en: EuZW (Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht), Vol. 19/2008, p. 605 – 611, ISSN 0937-7204. Accesible en RG.

Indexado en: Econbiz, dejure, dialnet, OCLC Worldcat y citado en página web de la Unión Europea.


2. Felix Fuders, “La protección del medio ambiente como justificación de una restricción del libre comercio: ¿Qué puede aprender Europa del MERCOSUR?”, en: REIB (Revista Electrónica Iberoamericana) Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid), Vol. 4, No 2 (2010), p. 8 – 28, ISSN: 1988 – 0618. Accesible en RG.

Indexado en: ISOC, FETYC, LATINDEX, DICE, Dialnet, OCLC Worldcat.


3. Felix Fuders, “Zum so genannten freien Wettbewerb und dem vermeintlichen Verbot vertikaler Kartelle im EU-Wettbewerbsrecht”, en: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik (De Gruyter), año 60, No 3/2011, p. 271 – 284, ISSN 0721-3808 (en español: Consideraciones acerca de la libre competencia y a la prohibición de carteles verticales en la UE). Doi: Accesible en RG.

Indexado en: Baidu Scholar; Cabell’s Whitelist; CNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastructure); CNPIEC – cnpLINKer; Dimensions; EBSCO (relevant databases); EBSCO Discovery Service; EconBiz; ECONIS; EconLit; Google Scholar; IBR (International Bibliography of Reviews of Scholarly Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences); IBZ (International Bibliography of Periodical Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences); International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (ProQuest); J-Gate; JournalGuide; JournalTOCs; KESLI-NDSL (Korean National Discovery for Science Leaders); Microsoft Academic; MyScienceWork; Naver Academic; Naviga (Softweco); Primo Central (ExLibris); ProQuest (relevant databases); Publons; QOAM (Quality Open Access Market); ReadCube; Research Papers in Economics (RePEc); Semantic Scholar; Sherpa/RoMEO; Summon (ProQuest); TDNet; Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory/ulrichsweb, WanFang Data, WorldCat (OCLC).


4. Felix Fuders, “La solución de controversias en el Mercosur: una evaluación del sistema y de la jurisprudencia”, en: PRIMA FACIE (João Pessoa – Brasil), Vol. 11, No 21, año 11, Julio-Diciembre 2012, p. 75 – 108, ISSN 1678-2593. Link. Accesible en RG.

Indexado en: DOAJ, LATINDEX, CALENDA, OCLC Worldcat, Repositorio Científico de Acceso Abierto de Portugal, en la Wittenberg University Library (Springfield, Ohio, EE.UU.), Qualis (áreas de Derecho y Planificación Urbana) como periódico B2, H-Net Humanities and Social Sciences Online, (Michigan State University, EE.UU.).


5. Felix Fuders, Cristián Mondaca, Mustapha Azungah Haruna, “The Central Bank’s dilemma, the Inflation-Deflation Paradox and a new interpretation of the Kondratieff waves”, en: Economía (U. de los Andes, Venezuela), Vol. XXXVIII, No 36 (Julio-Diciembre 2013), p. 33 – 66, ISSN 1315-2467. Libremente accesible en RG.

Indexado en: REVENCYT (FUNDACITE) con el código RVE001, LATINDEX (radica en el folio 17250), REDALYC, Gale Group, Océano Universitas (OCéANO DIGITAL), ECONLit (Economic Literature, de la American Economic Association), RePEC-IDEAS (Research Papers in Economics y su servidor huésped actualmente basado en IDEAS, College of Liberal Arts en la Universidad de Connecticut), ECON PAPERS (Örebro University), EBSCOhost (de EBSCOHOST Publishing) y CLASE (Base de Datos Bibliográficos de Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades); Econbiz.


6. Carlos Cioce Sampaio, Christian Henríquez, Felix Fuders, “Ecosocioeconomías: Un concepto en construcción”, en: Educação e Contemporaneidade, Vol. 27, No 52, 2018, pp. 13-25, ISSN 0104-7043. Doi: Accesible en RG.

Indexado en: BAMP; Educ@ – Publicações Online de Educação; BBE – Bibliografia Brasileira de Educação (Brasil,Cibec/Inep/MEC); BIBLAT; Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira; EDUBASE -(SBU/UNICAMP); CLASE; INIST – Institut de l’Information Scientifique et Technique, France.; DIADORIM; LATINDEX; REDIB; ULRICH’S; DOAJ; IRESIE; EZB – Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliotkek; Portal de Periodicos CAPES; Portal Brasileiro de Acesso Aberto à Informação Científica (oasisbr); Diretório Luso-Brasileiro. Repositórios e Revistas de Acesso aberto; Diadorim


7. Ángela Morales, Christian Henríquez, Cristian Salazar, Felix Fuders, Héctor Sarmiento, “Nostalgias a la orilla de un río. Homenaje al maestro Manfred Max-Neef”, en: Teuken Bidikay 10 No 15 (2019), pp. 19-26, ISSN: 2215-8405 – e – ISSN 2619-1822. Accesible en RG.

Indexado en: Latindex; Dialnet; LatinREV; EBSCO; REDIB; Clase; MIAR; DOAJ; Google académico; ACACIA; REDITORES.